Make a Gift

Support Illinois health research and innovation.

The power of health at Illinois is that it is multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and inclusive — it thrives in nearly every unit across campus. Working across boundaries and building partnerships, IHSI makes it possible for Illinois researchers and innovators to tackle the big health challenges.

Your gift to IHSI supports fellowships and research experiences for students, training programs for faculty and staff, infrastructure, community engagement, and partnerships that advance human health.

Student working in a lab

I would like my donation allocated to the following fund(s)

 .00 This fund provides IHSI with the flexibility to direct support to areas with the greatest need.

 .00 This fund supports the research collaboration of Mayo Clinic and the University of Illinois.


Erin Kirby
Senior Director of Advancement, Research Institutes

Betsy Rodriquez
Director of Advancement, Research Institutes

“Young scholar-activists bring so many fresh ideas to the table that can contribute greatly to our community-academic work.”

Chelsea Birchmier, Academic Mentor, Social Work
2023 Community-Academic Scholars Program