
IHSI Affiliate Program

The IHSI Affiliate program encourages faculty, researchers, medical professionals, and other individuals to formalize their collaboration with IHSI through an unpaid affiliate appointment. Affiliates have increased opportunities to engage with and benefit from IHSI staff, other affiliates, and program faculty and students, both across campus as well as with our external clinical partners and networks.

Program Benefits

As part of the IHSI team, affiliates become engaged in our mission to be the Illinois catalyst for interdisciplinary health research addressing personal, public, and planetary health challenges. 

Currently, IHSI Affiliates enjoy the following benefits. We continue to seek additional ways to support our affiliates:

  • Increased access to IHSI services
  • Increased access to IHSI clinical and community partners and their networks
  • Opportunity to apply for funding for research fellows, undergraduate and graduate students, etc.
  • Leadership and decision-making roles on committees
  • Visibility of research, programs, events, publications, and awarded grants through IHSI communications outlets (newsletters, social media, website, etc.)
  • Opportunities to collaborate with IHSI staff and shape new initiatives in health research and innovation 

IHSI staff member facilitates discussion among a group of 6 colleagues sitting at a round table

Becoming an IHSI Affiliate

IHSI affiliate appointments will be for a term of three years, reviewed annually, with the option to renew for subsequent 3-year terms. For all zero-percent appointments, the title IHSI Affiliate will be used. Affiliates are expected to remain in contact with IHSI staff and leadership to identify and review appropriate opportunities for mutually beneficial interactions between the institute and the affiliate.

The IHSI Affiliate program is currently open by invitation only to individuals with an existing IHSI relationship. Please contact Daniele Frerichs for more information. 

Request an invitation to become an Affiliate


  1. Contact to request an invitation to the IHSI Affiliate program. 
  2. Complete the IHSI Affiliate Application included in the invitation. Applicants must describe the mutual benefits of the collaborative affiliation, select at least two contributions to IHSI (noted in list below), and upload a copy of their CV.
  3. The IHSI leadership team will review all applications within three weeks of submission.
  4. If approved, applicants will receive a written offer for an affiliate appointment. Upon written acceptance, the affiliate appointment will begin.

Affiliates are asked to select at least two collaborative and meaningful contributions to IHSI from the following:

  • Mentoring, training, and advising students and post-doctoral fellows participating in IHSI programs (i.e., Mayo Clinic SURF, Community-Academic Scholars)

  • Participating in and helping to organize seminars and other educational functions

  • Serving on one or more institute committees including selection committees, strategic committees (including with the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance), event committees, and education and research committees

  • Elevating the visibility of IHSI, the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance, and/or other institute priorities

  • Furthering connections and assisting with grant opportunities both with Illinois researchers and with external institutions

  • Contributing to collaborative IHSI-led publications, presentations, and outreach activities

  • Helping to build connections and fostering new collaborative projects and programs with local community groups and organizations, other academic institutions, medical and allied health organizations, industry, and government agencies

Current Affiliates

Arjun Athreya
Department of Molecular Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, Mayo Clinic – Rochester
Christopher Brooke
Department of Microbiology
Ian Brooks
School of Information Sciences
Neal Cohen
Department of Psychology
Sharon Donovan
Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition
Laura Mattie
Department of Speech & Hearing Science
Sharde McNeil Smith
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
Ruby Mendenhall
Carle Illinois College of Medicine and College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Tara Powell
School of Social Work
Laura Rice
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Wendy Rogers
Department of Health and Kinesiology
Nidia Ruedas-Gracia
Department of Educational Psychology
Hillary Schwarb
Department of Psychology, University of Nebraska – Lincoln
Kevin Tan
School of Social Work
Carin Vanderpool
Department of Microbiology