Biostatistics, Epidemiology, & Research Design (BERD)

Expert biostatistical consulting and analysis for health-related research

The Illinois Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design (BERD) Core at IHSI offers expert biostatistical consulting and analysis services in support of health-related research. We work with internal (Illinois) and external (non-Illinois) researchers on basic science, social and behavioral research, and translational research studies and clinical trials.

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Work with BERD

Biostatistical Services

The BERD team collaborates with researchers to design, conduct, analyze, and publish health-related research. Biostatistical support is available throughout the project lifespan with a cost structure that is subsidized for Illinois investigators.

  • Design of observational and experimental studies, including sampling methods for selection of subjects and randomization to treatment groups
  • Design of data collection instruments and validation
  • Development of data specifications
  • Development of statistical analysis plans
  • Data management support
  • Power/sample size calculation
  • Execution of data specifications requiring data manipulation and preparation of datasets
  • Statistical analysis of data
  • Meta-analysis
  • Assistance with grant applications, abstract, manuscript, and poster development
  • Program evaluation

Our doctoral- and masters-level biostatisticians and epidemiologists have access to and experience with various statistical software packages, including SAS, SPSS, STATA, R, Mplus, PASS, and GPower. Types of statistical data analysis of data include: 

  • Basic analytical methods: descriptive statistics, graphical presentation, parametric and non-parametric tests of hypothesis, regression models (linear, logistic, Poisson and proportional hazards)
  • Advanced analytics methods: multilevel mixed effects modeling structural equation modeling, analysis of count data, zero-inflated models and multivariate analysis

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Working with BERD

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Crediting BERD

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Meet the BERD Team

Jesus Sarol Jr. Photo

Jesus Sarol, Jr., PhD
Senior Research Biostatistician
(217) 244-2516

Areas of specialization:
Sample surveys, epidemiologic methods in observational and experimental studies, parametric and non-parametric tests, generalized linear models, survival analysis, multilevel models, multivariate analysis, analysis of count data, zero-inflated models, power and sample size calculation, meta-analysis and program evaluation  

Amandeep Kaur, Research Biostatistician

Amandeep Kaur, BDS, MPH
Research Biostatistician
(217) 300-8020

Areas of specialization:
Power and sample size calculations, data management, study designs, longitudinal and cross-sectional data analysis, generalized linear mixed models, survival analysis, and non-parametric models  

Fatima Ahmed

Fatima Ahmed, MS
Assistant Research Biostatistician

Areas of specialization:
Application of standard statistical techniques to answer health-related research questions (including animal models), analysis of nutritional content of diets, data management, data harmonization