Getting Started with Illinois REDCap

Illinois REDCap accounts are available to anyone affiliated with data collection efforts at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Each project must have faculty or staff member who is responsible for the project, data, and the HIPAA-compliance and project access of study personnel. For a project to be eligible for Illinois REDCap, it must be related to University research, business, or operations.

Before you begin

Organizing your project team

Before accessing Illinois REDCap, you must have Illinois credentials for all intended users of Illinois REDCap. All students using Illinois REDCap must have a faculty or staff supervisor.

All project supervisors must agree to the terms of the Illinois REDCap Account User Agreement and Protecting High Risk Data, regardless of whether they need to access REDCap. Access requests submitted without PI agreement will not be processed until agreement has been confirmed.

Illinois credentials

All users who wish to access REDCap must first obtain a University of Illinois Identification Number (UIN), NetID, and email account. Steps for sponsoring faculty and staff to request Affiliate NetIDs are outlined in the Illinois Answers KnowledgeBase

REDCap Video Training

To ensure baseline familiarity with REDCap, all users who will be accessing Illinois REDCap are required to complete REDCap video training prior to working in Illinois REDCap. REDCap. Users are encouraged to view additional REDCap training videos as needed.

The content of the training videos and layout of the system may look slightly different than your view if the videos were produced using an older version of REDCap. 


Introductory Overviews (Required for all users who will be working in REDCap)

Basic Features & Functionality (Required for all users who will be working in REDCap)

Project Types (Required for PIs or designated Project Administrators who are accessing and working in Illinois REDCap)


Special Topics