Mending Minds and Bodies: Addressing Postpartum Challenges for Latina Mothers

1/22/2025 12:28:41 PM Hannah Wirth

Champaign-Urbana Publich Health District logoAcademic Mentor | Sandraluz Lara-Cinisomo
Community Partner | Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department

Project Description
Postpartum pain and postpartum depression (PPD) are common maternal complications and significant public health concerns that disproportionately affect racial and ethnic minorities. Latinas experience higher rates of PPD than non-Hispanic Whites due to elevated psychosocial stressors (e.g., acculturative stress) and structural (e.g., poverty and discrimination) risk factors. Latinas report higher postpartum pain severity than non-Hispanic Whites. Cesarean delivery (CD) is used by 1 in 3 women, and recent estimates show that rates have increased among Latinas compared to non-Hispanic Whites. The CD is associated with an elevated risk of PPD and long-term pain. Protocols for treating post-CD pain include prescription and over-the-counter analgesics. Despite the need for and benefits of pain medication, women across races and ethnicities who deliver by CD prefer to endure pain than take medication, including oral analgesics that may prevent PPD.

However, there are limited evidence-based, non-pharmacologic treatments, such as mindfulness, to reduce post-CD pain and prevent PPD. Mindfulness-based interventions reduce pain and prevent depression. Self-guided mindfulness-based interventions are effective, practical, and appealing to Latina mothers. Mobile, self-guided, mindfulness-based interventions address barriers to screening and treatment for postpartum pain and PPD, including costs, stigma, and challenges traveling with an infant. To address gaps in the field, first, we will survey 120 English- and Spanish-speaking Latinas who had a planned CD in the past 12 months and who were at risk for PPD to gather information to inform a mindfulness intervention. We will also conduct a single-group open trial pilot test of a mobile, self-guided 8-week MBSR intervention with 20 English- and Spanish-speaking Latinas to assess its feasibility and acceptability. Women will be recruited at the Champaign-Urbana Public Health Department.

Role of the Community-Academic Scholar
In phase one, we will enroll participants in the survey and are preparing to enroll participants in the intervention for phase 2. We seek a motivated student interested in ensuring Latina mothers' emotional and physical well-being in the US. 

The Community-Academic Scholar will:

  • Assist with recruitment, enrollment, data management, and other study aspects
  • Have weekly contact with the community in various settings, including workgroups, support groups, and other group meetings
  • Work with the community partner to identify the best dates and time to engage with the community about the project
  • Meet with prospective participants while they wait for meetings or appointments
  • Track their contact with prospective participants to provide metrics
  • Engage with participants received services through Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and Maternal Child Health, which are critical programs offered by CUPHD to our population of interest