Partnerships & Translation

We develop partnerships that build healthier communities.

The University of Illinois' strategic plan states: “Interaction with our community will be woven into the fabric of everything we do—from research and teaching to educational experiences to our external partnerships.” IHSI collaborates across multiple Illinois colleges and with clinical and community partners to create a healthier society. We work together with faculty and staff, students, community organizations, health systems, industry partners, and community members to translate scientific discovery into improved health care and health solutions.

Building Partnerships

“It's all about creating impact and making a difference
in the community.”

— Kevin Tan, PhD
School of Social Work, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Community-Academic Partnerships

Transforming Healthcare

“Not often do we engineers get an opportunity to be so close to the point of impact our technology has as when a clinician uses our technology to tailor diagnoses/treatment for a patient.”

— Arjun Athreya, PhD
Inaugural doctoral graduate of the Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance fellowship program

Mayo Clinic & Illinois Alliance

Join us!

Together, we can help people in our community and beyond live longer, fuller, and healthier lives.