DoD Grant Seeking Workshop

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The DoD Grant Seeking Workshop aims to help health sciences researchers identify new funding opportunities and better understand the unique requirements and considerations for submitting a strong DoD proposal. 

Workshop Sessions

The DoD Grant Seeking Workshop includes a comprehensive introduction to the DoD, details about the application and review process, advice from experienced DoD faculty and consumer reviewers, and presentations from military research experts.

Select session recordings from the 2021 and 2022 workshops are available. Contact the Research Development team for more information and access to other materials. 

Session 1:

Your mission, should you choose to accept it: A broad overview of DoD funding

Kelsey Hassevoort, Research Development Manager, IHSI

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Health research at the DoD: What to expect

Brandi Barnes, Research Scientist, IHSI

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Session 2:

You found a funding opportunity — now what? Overview of the DoD application and review process 

Maggie Berg, Senior Research Development Manager, IHSI

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Panel discussion: Consumer reviewers and researchers share their experiences

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Session 3:

Considerations for engaging military-connected communities in health research

Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, Assistant Director of Research and Educational Programs at the Chez Veterans Center

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2022 Keynote presentation

Colonel Sarah B. Goldman, Director of the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP)

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2021 Keynote presentation

Dr. Rajesh Naik, Chief Scientist, Air Force Research Laboratory

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